Migrating to New FormCraft


After months of development, and closed beta testing with a bunch of really amazing people, we are finally launching the new FormCraft to the public. Iteration would have led to incremental progress, so we re-wrote the entire plugin from a scratch. It is far more scalable, flexible, has tons of new features, an add-on centre, and a developer API.

How to Download the New FormCraft Plugin?

Go to codecanyon.net, and login. Go to Downloads, and download the FormCraft plugin files. In your WordPress site, go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin, and browse the file.

You will notice that the new plugin doesn’t overwrite the old one:


You would be able to access both versions. We recommend that you de-activate the earlier FormCraft once you have setup the new version.

Will I Lose My Forms?

No. All your forms will automatically be imported to the new version. However, you may need to re-configure some settings, and re-do the conditional logic.

After activating the new plugin, you have to edit each form, and click on Save. This method generates the form, so it can be embedded.

Will I Lose Other Data?

Form entries, files, and analytics data isn’t imported to the new version.

Other Important Changes


The new version now has a different shortcode. Earlier, you would use:

[formcraft id='1'][/formcraft]

The new shortcode is:

[fc id='1'][/fc]

Learn more.

Dedicated Form Page

Earlier, you could access the form directly with this URL:


We have simplified the access now:


Plugin Updates

With the old FormCraft, each time there was a new update, you had to downloads the plugin files from codecanyon.net, un-install the old plugin files, and install the new files. Also, there was no method in place for notifying you of updates. With the new FormCraft, you can update the plugin with one-click.

When an update is available, you would be able to see it on the Plugins page:


You can update all add-ons purchased from formcraft-wp.com/buy in a similar way.


You now have access to dozens of add-ons from Add-Ons -> Add New. You can configure the settings of installed add-ons from Add-Ons -> Installed.


You are eligible for 12 months of free support and plugin updates from the date of purchase. We have increased this from the earlier period of 6 months. You can buy packs to extend the period of support and updates.


If you have multiple licenses, we have made it easier to view and manage them here. You can raise support tickets here.