How To Embed Forms Using ShortCodes

Embed Inline Forms


[fc id='1' align='center'][/fc]

Let us break it down:

  1. id
    Enter your form ID here. Where to find the form IDs?
  2. align
    Possible values: left, right, center
    This aligns the form in the respective direction.

Embed Popup Forms


[fc id='1' type='popup' placement='inline']Click Me[/fc]
  1. id
    Enter the form ID here
  2. type
    Keep this ‘popup’
  3. placement
    Possible values: left, inline, and right

    Placement: left

    Placement: left

    Placement: inline

    Placement: inline

    Placement: right

    Placement: right

Embed Slide In Forms


[fc id='1' type='popup' placement='inline']Click Me[/fc]
  1. id
    Enter the form ID here
  2. type
    Keep this ‘popup’
  3. placement
    Possible values: left, inline, right, bottom-right

    Placement: left

    Placement: left

    Placement: right

    Placement: right

    Placement: bottom-right

    Placement: bottom-right

Extra Configuration for Popup / Slide In Forms


[fc id='1' type='slide' placement='inline' button_color='grey' font_color='white' auto='2']Click Me[/fc]
  1. button_color
    The background color of the button. You can use common color names: blue, red, grey, or hex values: #448ee …
  2. font_color
    Color of the font inside the button
  3. auto
    When specifed, this will auto-popup the form on page load. Example, auto=’2′ will auto-popup the form 2 seconds after page load.

Read More

How To Use a Custom Popup Form Trigger

How To Add A Form In Your Theme File

How To Embed a Form In Your Post / Page