How To Embed Forms Using ShortCodes

Embed Inline Forms


[fc id='1' align='center'][/fc]

Let us break it down:

  1. id
    Enter your form ID here. Where to find the form IDs?
  2. align
    Possible values: left, right, center
    This aligns the form in the respective direction.

Embed Popup Forms


[fc id='1' type='popup' placement='inline']Click Me[/fc]
  1. id
    Enter the form ID here
  2. type
    Keep this ‘popup’
  3. placement
    Possible values: left, inline, and right

    Placement: left

    Placement: left

    Placement: inline

    Placement: inline

    Placement: right

    Placement: right

Embed Slide In Forms


[fc id='1' type='popup' placement='inline']Click Me[/fc]
  1. id
    Enter the form ID here
  2. type
    Keep this ‘popup’
  3. placement
    Possible values: left, inline, right, bottom-right

    Placement: left

    Placement: left

    Placement: right

    Placement: right

    Placement: bottom-right

    Placement: bottom-right

Extra Configuration for Popup / Slide In Forms


[fc id='1' type='slide' placement='inline' button_color='grey' font_color='white' auto='2']Click Me[/fc]
  1. button_color
    The background color of the button. You can use common color names: blue, red, grey, or hex values: #448ee …
  2. font_color
    Color of the font inside the button
  3. auto
    When specifed, this will auto-popup the form on page load. Example, auto=’2′ will auto-popup the form 2 seconds after page load.

Read More

How To Use a Custom Popup Form Trigger

How To Add A Form In Your Theme File

How To Embed a Form In Your Post / Page

How To Use a Custom Popup Form Trigger

What if you want to trigger the popup form using a link in your navigation menu? or an existing button on your page?

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Using Href

    First, we add the form on our page, using the simple shortcode:

    [fc id='12' type='popup'][/fc]

    Next, edit the link which would trigger this form, and put the href or hyperlink to:

    The important part is /form-view/12, where 12 is the form ID. Yes, that’s it!

  2. Using CSS Selectors

    For this, you would need to know the CSS selector for the button / link you wish to bind the form to. Assuming this button has the class my-custom-btn. Now, we modify our form shortcode a little, and add a bind attribute to it:

    [fc id='12' type='popup' bind='.my-custom-btn'][/fc]

How To Add A Form In Your Theme File

You would need to edit one of the theme’s PHP files for this to work. Do take a backup!

So, a simple shortcode to embed the form is:

[fc id='1'][/fc]

To use this in your theme file, us this PHP code:

if ( function_exists("add_formcraft_form") ) { add_formcraft_form("[fc id='1'][/fc]"); }

The embed code for a popup form is

[fc id='1' type='popup']Click Me[/fc]

So, the PHP code would be:

if ( function_exists("add_formcraft_form") ) { add_formcraft_form("[fc id='1' type='popup']Click Me[/fc]"); }

How To Open a Popup Form On Page Load

As you already know, the shortcode to embed a popup form is:

[fc id='1' type='popup']Click Me[/fc]

To auto-open the popup form on page load, add the attribute auto=’0′ to the shortcode:

[fc id='1' type='popup' auto='0']Click Me[/fc]

To auto-open the popup form 4 seconds after page load, add auto=’4′

[fc id='1' type='popup' auto='4']Click Me[/fc]

How To Embed a Slide In Form In Your Post / Page

  1. Go to your post / page editor. Right next to Add Media, you should see a button which says Add Form. Click.
  2. This would open a popup dialog. Next, select the form you wish to embed. Under, Select Embed Type, we check Slide In Form. Button placement – Left.
  3. If we want a simple button to open our popup form, we enter any text in the input box which says Button Text / Image URL. If you want an image, instead of a button, to trigger the popup form, enter the image URL. Click on Add Form, and we’re good.

Want to know how to embed a simple inline form?

How To Embed a Popup Form In Your Post / Page

  1. Go to your post / page editor. Right next to Add Media, you should see a button which says Add Form. Click.
  2. This would open a popup dialog. Next, select the form you wish to embed. Under, Select Embed Type, we check Popup Form. Button placement – Inline.
  3. If we want a simple button to open our popup form, we enter any text in the input box which says Button Text / Image URL. If you want an image, instead of a button, to trigger the popup form, enter the image URL. Click on Add Form, and we’re good.

Want to know how to embed a simple inline form?

How To Embed a Form In Your Post / Page

  1. Go to your post / page editor. Right next to Add Media, you should see a button which says Add Form. Click.
  2. This would open a popup dialog. Next, select the form you wish to embed. Right now, we just want a simple inline for, so under, Select Embed Type, we check Inline Form.
  3. Now select the form alignment, and click on Add Form. Yes, we’re done! Want to know how to embed a popup form?