Basics Bundle

This bundle includes the following add-ons:

  • Multi Page Forms
  • Pre Populate Fields

Price: $38 $29


This add-on allows you to accept appointment or event bookings using your form.

  • Select days of week to operate
  • Configure time ranges individually for days
  • Configure available slots for each time range
  • See booked slots
  • Block off slots for specific days
  • Set min and max dates to take bookings for
  • Add multiple booking fields in the same form
  • Use shortcode to share remaining number of slots
Sample Form


You can use this add-on to create a PDF file which contains the form entry data. You can:

  • Attach this PDF to email notifications
  • Attach this PDF to email autoresponders
  • View PDF in the back-end

We offer customization options for the PDF file, allowing you to edit the file name, author info, font-size, header and footer. You can even have the PDF file use the multi-columnar format of your form.

Here is a sample PDF generated by the add-on.

12m Support and Updates

Extend the support period and plugin updates on your license by 12 months. If your support period expires next month, we will add 12 months to it. If it already expired 2 months back, we will extend it by 12 months, from today.

Updates here would refer to plugin updates for the main plugin and add-ons purchased on


Add a credit card field to your form with one-click, and accept payments. Gorgeous design.

  • Support for European SCA guidelines.
  • Support for auth-and-capture.
  • Create simple, or complex order forms, using math formulas.
  • Signup people for subscription.
  • Automatically create customers in Stripe
  • No redirects. One page checkout.
  • Bundled form templates.
  • Support for coupon codes
  • Support for passing form data to Stripe as ‘metadata’
  • Use any currency supported by Stripe.

Note: Stripe requires SSL (https) to work.

Order Form
Subscription Form